The Nemo Consept
Nemo has developed a concept for transportation and permanent storage of CO2 into offshore reservoirs that will reduce the investment costs significantly compared to other solutions.
The new concept for transportation and injection of large CO2 volumes directly from ship into offshore storage reservoirs, the Nemo concept, builds on competence and experience from more than 40 years of operations and technology development within production, offshore loading and transportation of crude oil on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), as well as the more than 20 years of CO2 injection on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (Sleipner, Snøhvit).
A feasibility study was conducted during autumn/winter 2020/2021, supported by the governmental agency for innovation funding (Innovasjon Norge). The study concluded that the concept is feasible.
Based on the positive results from the feasibility study, an industry consortium comprising of leading companies on the different technology areas was formed during spring 2021. These companies are;
Framo AS on pumps and pumping systems
Rosenberg Worley AS on process design
Brevik Engineering AS on naval design.
The Nemo concept eliminates the need for large CAPEX investments in infrastructure such as intermediate storage terminals and offshore pipelines, and can be used on different offshore reservoirs independent of water depth without additional investments. The concept also enables reuse of existing ships, which today transport crude oil from offshore fields to CO2 transportation at an attractive conversion cost.
A project to develop a solution for offshore loading from the ship to the injection well has been started with a consortium supported by the CLIMIT program, administered by Gassnova. The project partners are OneSubsea- SLB, Brevik Engineering, OMV and TotalEnergies.